I was pretty good at hiding my weight. When I hit 185lbs right before advocare, I avoided taking pictures, edited the ones I didnt like if I could, or deleted them all together, which is why these only three that I've dug up, are ones someone recently emailed to me from their camera.
It's sad to think I felt like I had to hide what I really looked like to convince myself that I was happy with how I looked. And even though we are all beautiful no matter what size we are, it's about taking care of our body so it can reflect what we put in it.
In these pictures I'm about 185lbs and 31% body fat, actively teaching dance 5hours a dance, 6 days a week.
Today I am 140, 13% body fat, not to mention 11 inches that melted off my waist; training pt clients daily but only working out only 1 hour a day, 4days a week.
I have to call bullshit on your pictures. You are NOT 185lbs in your "before" photos unless you're 6ft tall!!!! You might want to consider posting more accurate pictures.